Ice skating is a fun hobby, but it can be hard to find the right content to help you learn new skills. 

Most of the free videos on YouTube are either outdated or poorly done. They often don’t teach you all the proper techniques and leave out essential details about each skill. It’s frustrating when you’re trying to improve your skating!

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Figure Skating Moves For Beginners

If you’re a beginner figure skater, you should focus on learning these figure skating moves on ice once you have got to grips with moving forwards, backward, and stopping. These five movements are poetry in motion and the perfect figure skating moves for beginners. However, there are also specific tips you need to keep in mind as you continue to become a better figure skater. This article will discuss some of the most important moves for beginner figure skaters. These steps will make it easier for you to learn the different skating moves and progress to learning to perform the most difficult ones.

Bunny Hop

The bunny hop is one of the most popular beginner jumps. It’s usually the first jump a skater learns and requires the skater to skate forward slowly and extend their arms to either side. Afterwards, they bend their left knee and bend their right knee. Then, they cross the outer blade with their inside skate. They skate onto one leg and swing the free leg through while jumping into the air. They will then land on the toe pick of the opposite leg before stepping back onto a flat blade of the take-off foot. The bunny hop is particularly useful as it teaches you the same mechanics for the take-off used in the waltz jump and axel jump again. Executing this move with the correct technique is essential for developing a good jumping technique. The Crossover is the next move for beginners and is considered one of the most complicated.

Backward Crossovers

To perform this manoeuvre, the skater should bend the knee of their right foot and stroke onto the outside edge of their left foot. When the skating leg pushes away, the right knee straightens out.

Most skaters develop proper mechanics by staying on one foot when learning this move, but they can maintain the correct position by completing two or three backward crossovers(I’m not too sure what this means). After a few weeks, the skaters will successfully perform the backward crossover on both feet. It’s essential to ensure that both feet are pushing equally and that the skating leg is fully extended to its fullest height.

The backward crossover is similar to the forward crossover but is performed on two feet. The skater glides backwards on two feet, facing the inside of the circle. He looks over his right shoulder to avoid bumping into anything. Then, he places his weight onto his right foot, crossing over the left foot without leaving the ice. The skater maintains a strong base and a high-speed balance as he does so. As with many basic figure skating moves, both forward and backward crossovers are moves that will take many years to master with complete precision and control fully.

Lunge / Drag

The lunge is a fundamental step in the art of figure skating. When performing a lunge, skaters bend their skate knee skating knee and extend their free leg behind them, keeping it straight as they press their foot forward over the toe. The body remains upright, but the arms are extended, usually artistically. There are several ways to make a successful lunge, including forward, backward, and 3-turns.

During an ice session, the teacher will demonstrate how to lunge properly so that the skater can enjoy the performance. The skater lunge is one of the most challenging exercises involving gliding, leg strength, and stretching. This exercise requires flexibility and balance, and the proper form will ensure that you get the most out of your performance. 

Beginner skaters must lunge correctly to gain control of their core and develop better balance. When learning how to lunge in figure skating, remember always to keep the knee pointed in the same direction as the foot, and the knee should be parallel to the foot and the hip underneath the body.


If you’ve ever wondered how to perform a figure skating spiral, it’s a skill that can really take your skills to the next level. Whether you’re just starting or have been competing for years, there are some basic steps you can take to get started. There are many common mistakes to avoid with this skating manoeuvre, and here are some tips to help you get started on your way to a great spiral.

The technique is usually demonstrated on a deep inside edge. Still, it can also be performed on the outer edge if you’re skilled enough. The technique is typically learned in a straight line (a flat edge) but eventually can be performed on either the inside or outside edge. Once you’ve mastered the fundamentals, you can branch out and make your spiral a little more complex. If you can maintain a strong balance and reasonable edge control, this move will look amazing on the ice.


The axel is a move for most beginners aspire to, and it requires the skater to jump forward on one foot and cross the other foot over the back foot while rotating 1.5 times and landing on one leg. The axel is a valuable move to learn for a skater as it is the jump that helps skaters progress their jumps from singles to doubles. Learning the Axel and mastering it can take years of practice and training. 


There are a lot of great resources out there that teach you how to skate, but it’s hard to find the correct and most efficient information you need for figure skating moves for beginners. 

Figure skating is an expensive sport, and if you’re not competing at a world-class level, some coaches aren’t interested in helping you learn how to do your jumps or spins. This means that many beginner skaters have no support system when they get stuck on learning something new. 

IceCoachOnline was created as a resource for skaters who want to take their skills from beginner to advanced while having access to all the help they need along the way. We offer tutorials videos with step-by-step instructions so even beginners can learn everything they need without getting frustrated or falling on the ice! 

Our community Discord chats make it easy for our members to ask questions and get answers quickly – we have experienced competitors answering questions 24 hours a day! If this sounds like what you’ve been looking for, contact us today!